Thursday 9 May 2013

Day 3 Easy Day In One Way. No To Treadmill, Hello Chicken Soup.

Day 3

Keeping to my weight loss day today was easy, but not for good reasons.  I didn't get any sleep at all through the night due to a nasty bad throat and cough.  So consequently I had hardly any appetite all day.  Lunch was a bowl of chicken soup and dinner was an omelette.  Treadmill was out today, I didn't have the energy to push myself through an exercise session.  So it was a day of paracetamol, honey & lemon lockets & cough medicine.

I was really encouraged by a text I received from a lady whose husband is ill and in hospital at the moment she wrote about a song from my "Veiled In Mystery" Album, these were her words "Hi Viv, "Veiled In Mystery" track 9 "Don't Be Afraid" Is helping me alot.  I fell asleep listening to it last night. Thank you, love to you x"

Even when we are not with others we can still sense & feel their pain.  During those times,  that discernment leads us to hold that person/those people before God in prayer asking Him to help, strengthen, soothe and heal their pain.

Prayer is such a powerful act on our part because when we do pray for others our prayers are heard by God and answered, sometimes not in the way we would expect but they are answered.

This beautiful song was a response to a great tragedy
Ave To Love:  Philippa Hanna

"Do Not Fear/Be Afraid" is written 365 times in the bible, one for everyday of the year, coincidence?
Don't Be Afraid:  Vivienne Neville

I Feel Your Pain

Sometimes the world spins in reverse
Sometimes you just can't find the words
I know just how the feeling hurts
I feel your pain

You feel that no one knows you well
You have so much you'd like to tell
No one can hear your calls for help
I feel your pain

It's like they just don't understand
It's like you're walking on broken glass
You feel the need to watch your back
I feel your pain

I know how it can drive you insane
I know the words you long to say
It hurts to see you in that shade
I feel your pain

You should know you're not alone
There are others out there feeling cold
If I could only heal the broken souls
I feel your pain

Don't succumb to the little things
Don't allow them to increase
I want to help and bring you peace
I feel your pain

Soon all your worries will fade away
So many tears you've come to waste
I long to see a smile on your face
I feel your pain 

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