Friday 10 May 2013

Day 4 of 90 Day Challenge Get Fit Lose Weight. Cough Medicine & Laurel & Hardy A Great Mix.

Day 4

Well, I tell you what, I definitely choose the wrong week to start this challenge.  I've hardly slept for the past few nights due to a cough, can you hear me? I'm coughing for England, exercise is totally off the agenda, appetite is low so that will work in my favour.  But do you know what the good is that has come out of these distressing few days in my life?  Any ideas?  Think.......No Idea.......Ok, I will tell you.

I have been taking a cough medicine with a high price tag attached I won't write down the brand but I'm sure you will have an idea of the popular expensive brand.  Well let me tell you, I am living proof, that the said expensive brand doesn't work and it cost £4 something.  So this afternoon, I phoned my hubby and asked him to pop into a chemist on his way home and to ask the pharmacist for their recommendation.  He came home with a bottle of cough mixture that cost £1 something.  It tastes vile,  but man does it work... Praise The Lord.  I've been cough free for 3 hours.  So never mind a video or a poem right now,  I am giving you a very important picture,  and don't forget this picture because one day you may need this bottle.

This my friend is pure nectar, cheap, discusting, but does what it says on the bottle.  It brings relief. Thank You God & Bells Healthcare Products :)

All is not lost.  I know it is only day 4 of this challenge BUT I decided to have a sneaky hop on the scales this morning and what it showed was in my favour :)  BUT you will have to wait until Day 7 to find out the result of my first week.

Bye For Now

Oh I can't go without posting a vid it wouldn't be right in fact I might post 2.

I was at Stockton Baptist Tabernacle Church recently chatting with their sound engineer Don about our sounds needs for an event there in the summer.  He showed me their church promotional video, I thought is was very good.  Every church should have one :)

And the final video,  can't beat a little Laurel & Hardy.

From my little corner of the world today... toodaloo :)

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