Saturday 11 May 2013

Day 5 of 90 day get fit lose weight challenge. Spotify Apps, Honey & Lemon & an invite to The Games Centre

Day 5

Well, itchy-throat-itis continues, coughing is under control with the cheap but effective medicine.  But I've got no energy so just resting today.  I typed into Youtube itchy throat and this video nearly made me choke with laughter. This is how this girl gets rid of an itchy throat.

I hope you saw the funny side of that video :)

My daily reading was amazing today,  let me explain:

A friend quite forcefully recently said to me that I was not being assertive enough over an immediate issue that was happening that day.

To be assertive in that particular  situation would of meant going against the authority and rules of the place I was a guest of at the time.  Being assertive over that issue was certainly not on the agenda for me in that situation

My whole person and character is pretty passive.   There are reasons why we are either assertive or passive in nature.

However something happened yesterday that I was so disappointed about, so I showed this disappointment with just a few words and thought I had let it go.   But I was really disappointed and so I couldn't let it go until I had explained my reasons.  So today I have done that.  Whether this will change anything I'm not sure but at least I've explained instead of being passive and just accepting something I found difficult to accept.

So, after praying this morning into that disappointment here is the reading:

Sorry, but problems don't magically solve themselves because you refuse to deal with them. Actually, they multiply, and 'no matter how fast you run, you will not escape.' Kristin Armstrong says: 'We become...adept at running...We try to flee from our pain, our past and our issues. The problem is, we can't run or hide or push things away forever. Eventually we'll tire...and have to slow down. And when we do, all our junk will come rolling behind...headed straight for us at top speed. All the time we've been fleeing, our junk has been snowballing...picking up size and momentum. If we aren't brave enough to face it when it's "small," it'll run us over later. Now's the time with fast and as strong as you are, you can't keep this up much longer.' So what problem are you running from today? What issues are causing you to 'lose your strength?' Make up your mind to stop right now and deal with them. 'Do not give the devil a foothold' (Ephesians 4:27 NIV) by spending one more day on the run. It doesn't matter how badly you've failed in the past, '...The blood of Jesus...cleanses us from all sin' (1John 1:7 NLT). Whether it's a stubborn habit, or someone you fear confronting, 'step up to the plate.' The thing that's chasing you will lose its power when you face it down in the name of Jesus. Paul says, '...Having done all...stand' (Ephesians 6:13 NKJV). And you do that through the power of God, not in your own strength. '

Three of my very good friends have been in hospital over the last few weeks, Liz, Cindy & Stu & a few other friends who are suffering with long-term sickness, they are in my thoughts & prayers alot.

Moving on to Spotify Apps.  I have bitten the bullet today & joined the £4.99 a month package on Spotify Hallelujah no more adverts!!! and other benefits that I am just exploring.

A few days ago I received a friend request from my young nephew to join The Games Centre.  What's the games centre?  I thought.  I chatted to my nephew on the phone about this today.  So I asked my nephew how many friends he challenges on there,  I was thinking probably many, to my utter surprise he mentioned his friends name to me just the one and said "you know him?" I said "Yes" then I said "who else" he replied "Oh, only him and now you if you will accept my friend request"  Oh how could I refuse...children grow up so quickly and when they reach out for us are we there?

So my nephew has advised me to download the Temple Run, 100 Floors & Angry Birds App, I'll have a go today just for him :)  He will be at university before we all know it, so I'm taking advantage of this little request, I was very touched by it actually that this nearly teenager,  friend requested his auntie :)

In a mellow and calm mood,  here is a lovely piece from the Margaret Rizza Collection.

I might get round to blogging about getting fit and losing weight soon but at the mo I can't because my life has took an unexpected turn this week, but stay tuned it will happen.

Have a peaceful evening, over and out :)

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