Wednesday 8 May 2013

Day 2: Chocolate Cupcake, Hot Steak Pie & Fresh Cream Strawberry Sponge Cake

Day 2

Well, are you ready for this?  My first appointment yesterday morning was visiting a  Toddler's event at St John's Church Egglescliffe 9am which takes place every Tuesday during term time.  At the end of this PIPS Service tea/coffee was served along with beautifully decorated chocolate cupcakes especially baked by a lady from the congregation for this service.  Oh my goodness, temptation No1, I declined the offer of the cake.

An hour and a half later at my next appointment (lunchtime) they were serving up hot steak pie, the smell was lovely, I declined and asked if I could have a ham salad sandwich.  Temptation No3 I was offered Fresh cream strawberry sponge cake with fresh strawberries on the side, I didn't expect my first day on this challenge to be faced with all this!  I asked for a portion of strawberries without the cake.  It was only noon, I had the rest of the day to go.

After work I relayed my achievements to my hubby.  "On the first day of my 90 day challenge, I've declined 3 bad things and also I've wrote a blog"  I said excitedly, he said "have you done your exercise for today?"  Ohhhh, I forgot about that part of the challenge :)

A couple of months ago my treadmill was moved into my office and had turned into a shelf with some of my boxes of Cd's pilled up on it.  I had to rescue it from its lifeless state and breathe life back into it.

Songs in Viv's world Today:
Amazing Love: Graham Kendrick

This next song was floating through my mind while driving through Portrack Lane Stockton between appointments,  because I was thinking about a music workshop I will be leading for a big children's event in July,  I need some fun tunes for the children to make up their own lyrics to.  I think they will enjoy this one :) "Woo woo ooh, I wanna be just like you, I wanna walk like you, talk like you do"

This is a great book about the Grace of God.  Highly recommended.

Have a great day, God Bless.

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