Monday 27 May 2013

Day 21 of a 90 day Challenge Fitness Blog: This Means War...What does? Read the blog & see...

Day 21

Weigh day. I looked at the mighty scales,  what were they going to show me today? Checked they were working properly, they had to be no mistakes with this reading today.  Come ON!!!!

Stood on the scales, looked at the weight reading, got off the scales then got back on again :)  Ohhhhh My Goodness it was the same weight as first displayed.  Week 1: I lost 6lb...Week 2:  I lost 1lb...Today Week 3: I've lost 1lb.  You know what this means now don't you?  THIS MEANS WAR...THE WAR AGAINST THE lbs... These big decisions are taking place in my bathroom on a weekly basis.

I know there is a verse in the bible about beating your body and bringing it into submission,  now where is that verse?  I need some inspiration, I need some verbal/written muscle behind this challenge.  Hazel last week said that when losing 1lb you had to think of it as a lb of butter, that's quite alot but I want to lose 2lb a week, all that effort for one pound!!!!  Oh well at least the weight is going down each week, however, at this rate I'll be blogging about this until 2015!!!  I need to UP my game.  But first of all I'm going to look that verse up, I need some scriptural encouragement.

1 Corinthians 9 v 27

This verse I'm sure can also be applied to physical fitness as well as a spiritual discipline.  I actually found this as part of a long article.  he are some of the helpful explainations from that article.

“But I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.”  Paul writes, “but I discipline my body and make it my slave.” The word translated “discipline” literally means “to strike under the eye” or “to beat black and blue.” Paul beat his body into submission doing all that he could to ensure his success.

"Ain't No Stopping Us Now"

Also from the article: 

On June 28th, 1991 I watched one of the greatest displays of strength and endurance I’ve ever seen. The location: Las Vegas. The setting: Caesar’s Palace. The event: Donovan “Razor” Ruddock vs. “Iron” Mike Tyson in a scheduled twelve round championship bout. This was a much-anticipated fight because it was the rematch that followed their highly controversial bout. In their previous brawl, the referee stopped the fight because Tyson was pummeling Ruddock.
Well, in the rematch Ruddock was out to prove that he deserved another chance. Ruddock and Tyson were pretty evenly matched in the first three rounds, but in the fourth round Ruddock suffered a broken jaw. Most people expected him to favor his jaw and fight soft, but not Ruddock. He came out fighting round after round after round against, at that time, the world’s greatest fighter and most devastating puncher. He fought eight more rounds after the broken jaw and actually finished the fight stronger than he began! The fight went the scheduled twelve rounds and Tyson won by the judges’ decision.
Although Tyson won this fight, I believe the real winner was “Razor” Ruddock. Why? Because he endured to the final bell and finished well. He overcame many obstacles and saved his best fighting for the final rounds. I want to encourage you to be a Razor Ruddock. This will require enduring to the end and finishing well.

So enduring to the end is the name of the game that will bring the result I'm aiming for. I can fully understand why people give up when they are trying so hard and not seeing good results,  but reading about Razor Ruddock he endured to the end, that's what counts.  I've got disheartened before and not endured to the end,  but I'm not going down that path this time. I really need to endure until I get to my goal and then maintain from there.   So this week I'm going to try harder, I'm going to double my exercise routine then hopefully that will bring a 2lb loss each week.  A one to two pound loss each week is good but I need to get my loss to 2lb a week.  So here goes.

I love the determination on this little boys face.

One day at a time

Some walls in life are steep to climb but we need to be determined to scale the walls.

Ain't no stopping us now, we're on the move.

If you are struggling with this challenge think about the determination you put into other areas of life.  Think about your work life for instance, think about the successes, now put that same determination and hard work into this area of your life...I'm also preaching to myself here.  Some of our work based accomplishments when we have been in the middle of big projects (including one I am right in the middle of at the moment)  the wall has seemed too high to climb, then we need to break it down into small steps then Suddenly we've done it and it all comes together.  The steps needed for this challenge are small daily steps that will eventally bring us to the place where we have accomplished the aim.

Have a great Bank Holiday Monday
Be Blessed

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