Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day !5 & 16 of a 90 Day Fitness Challenge. Cupcakes, Veg, Candles, Bubbles & no overweight curates in this church please!!!

Day 15 & 16

I can't believe how many tempting treats I have been offered since I started this challenge.  It's quite amazing.

When my hubby was a trainee curate (that is a trainee minister/pastor) the first fund raising event in the church he was training at was a coffee morning run by Joan & Olive in Olive's beautiful home.  Joan & Olive were renound for their many successful  fund raising events.  These women did amazing work for so many worthy charities and they had the charisma to fill these events with many people willing to give, buy and support their fund raising endeavours.

So getting back to the coffee morning, we went along and there was so many beautiful things for sale and also a cake stall and free cakes with your tea/coffee,  these women could bake.  However, just before my hubby was about to delve in and choose one of these cakes, Olive said to him "Don't be thinking about eating too many of those cakes, because everywhere you go and visit,  people will put lovely cakes in front of you & tea/coffee in their best china cups" she was so right, she then went on to say "so watch yourself because we don't want a fat curate" LOL.  I'll never forget Olive and all her funny little ways and remarks, she was a pure diamond.

Do you know what these are called?

Say this slowing..."Red velvet cupcakes with roses".... ohhh, they look very nice :) LOL

So the tempting cake saga continues for this thankfully focussed dieter.  One of my appointments yesterday was playing the song/hymns at an old folks home, after the first hymn which was "Be Still"  (For The Presence Of The Lord The Holy One Is Here)  one of the elderly residents clapped and clapped with such joy on her face, it was so lovely to see her so happy. As part of the service Ruth lit candles on a cake and asked the residents to blow the candles out, but they wouldn't be blown out because they were special candles,  this constant flame represented the Holy Spirit whose light and power we can't blow out.  The residents were then given those little tubes with soapy water in and and were encouraged to blow bubbles.

They got so much enjoyment out of doing this simple act.  One elderly man Neil,  sitting in his chair was kicking the bubbles as well and was thoroughly enjoying himself.  I had a go at blowing bubbles,  it was nice. After the candles, bubbles & hymns what came out on the trolley?  Lovely mugs of tea and very nice biscuits.  I didn't have one boo hoo :) Can you sense the deprivation ha ha

During the afternoon I was at a monthly networking event in Teesside, it's a really encouraging event with great speakers.  One of the speakers yesterday was John Kirby the founder of the organisation "Christians Against Poverty" After he had spoken he told us if we wanted a copy of his book "Nevertheless" it would be free of charge, I'm sure this book will be a very inspiring read. It's pretty much written in diary form so you can see clearly how his journey progressed day by day.  "The incredible story of one man's mission to change thousands of people's lives"

After these insprational sessions there is always an early evening buffet,  with stacks of yummy cupcakes!!!!   I had a tuna bun & cucumber, carrot and red pepper crudites without any dressing or sauces :)  I'm laughing as I am writing this because I just can't believe the amount of food choices we encounter on a daily basis.  Cupcake or Veg? Cupcake or Veg?  Give me the Veg I WANT THE  VEG...NOT!!!

A friend got in touch with me today and he has lost 12lb in 3 weeks how good is that?  He is definitely on target to lose 1 stone in 4 weeks.  Great news, keep at it & everyone who is reading this and trying to do the same, keep at it, one day at a time.

Bye for now.

Time for tea (I'm from the north we say tea which also means dinner, but dinner to us up north is the souths lunch, does this make sense?  yes perfect sense :) )

Whatever you are having today enjoy it and don't eat the cupcakes OK :)

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