Sunday 26 May 2013

Day 20 of Get Fit Lose Weight Blog: Sunshine & Reign

Day 20


In the UK at the moment it finally feels like summer has arrived.  A few friends in the village have started running again and I'm starting to see more people out and about on their bikes again.  I love walking at different times of the day.  Last walk yesterday when I got back home,  I took the dog out at 9.30pm it was great that it was still warm that time of night, everything was so still,  calm & quiet.  It's great to take advantage of the lighter nights to add extra times of exercise outside.  In these extended daylight hours we seem to have more energy so it's a good time of year to get on a challenge like this, everything is in our favour.

Healthy food options are continuing to win over bad choices in my little part of the world. A few of my friends who are also working on losing weight are using the "Hairy Bikers" Cookbook.

Si & Dave explain how they managed to lose 3 stone each in 3 months.

If you didn't follow their TV series that accompanied the release of their book on their quest to lose all that weight, it's definitely worth checking out.  They were honest about how they felt at each stage of their challenge.  If they had of portrayed their challenge as though it had always been easy,  it wouldn't have been believeable,  but they shared how they both really felt throughout the challenge.

Before they began their weight loss programme they both had a full examination by a medical consultant and his analysis shocked them both.  Their TV series was a great watch.  So if you need extra inspiration to follow this challenge through,  check them out.

It's weigh day tomorrow for me, I haven't been on the scales this week,  so I have no idea how I am doing. I relax my strict eating regime on a Sunday if I want to.  I think it is good one day a week to indulge in a pudding or something sweet if needed.  But the rest of the week it's a no.  In these 3 weeks of this challenge I gave in once and had a chocolate biscuit but that was it.  So hopefully I will have lost a few more lbs this week.


Folks in the Northeast of England did you know that there is a gospel church in Middlesbrough?  I didn't know until recently, I went to a service there last night,  we worshipped through singing for a full hour, it felt like 5 mins.  It was awesome.  The church is on The Avenue, Linthorpe, M/boro.  The church are soon to be moving to new premises near BBC Radio Tees Broadcasting building near the bus station.  The music was amazing...Gospel Rhythms to authentic African Rhythms,  the house was on fire with the Joy of Heaven.

Heaven Is In My Heart (A tame version to last night's singing & rhythms, but a reflection of what was going on there)

On this the Lord's day (everyday is the Lord's day)
Have a blessed day & those on this challenge keep focussed & motivated.