Friday 24 May 2013

Day 17 of a 90 day challenge: The Pain & Happiness Of Life. Strike A Balance If You Can.

Day 17

Yesterday I wrote about Tuesday and couldn't think of anything to write about for yesterday or today.  I'm Blank,  because of 3 very sad recent events.  A personal loss,  Oklahoma & the horrific death of a brave soldier in the UK.  For some occurances we all share the impact of devastation & loss, it hits us all globally.

So for me at the moment blogging about a fitness/weight loss challenge is so insignificant.  Do I carry on blogging about this while as a nation we experience a very poignent verse in the bible "When one suffers, we all suffer" we have all definitely felt that these past few days.

So along with probably most people who are reading this I feel solemn and can't push past that to write in my normal upbeat way at the moment.  My spirit is in sympathy with those who are suffering right now.

And while I am blogging this way, I watched Eastenders tonight, that was either the first or second time this year,  I couldn't believe how desperate every storyline was, where is the balance between difficulties and happiness?  I couldn't see any happiness.   I won't be watching it again unless it has a happy TV personality transplant.   I will not allow nasty bad words through TV, movies etc to infiltrate my mind.  For me personally I chose to to fill my thoughts predominantly with good things.  When we fill our bodies with good healthy food and drink we feel the benefits.  What we listen to or watch will also determine whether we have a positive or negative attitude.  I personally don't like to be around folks who are negative all the time for no apparent reason other than just a bad habit, (I'm not meaning people who are poorly or in pain)  their words and mindset effects all those around them.  I like to be around positive, happy people.  Life is never perfect, but it certainly needs to have a balance.

A lovely guy from our village who is a respected & loved member of our church,  encourages people so much and you know he means every word that he says.  On Sunday when he came into church I knew very quickly that he wasn't himself.  I was rehearsing at the time but I had to stop and go over to him and ask him if he was okay.  He wasn't and told me why, sometimes we can't smile and hide the pain.   

This has probably been a bit of a cathartic exercise today, however, God's going to have the last word here because I need to leave you with the following.  We can't change these awful things that go on in our world,  but to do the best that we can each day we need to be strong and happy.

If the men who murdered our soldier had of cultivated good things in their hearts and minds, this soldier would still be alive.

As we in time get over the shock of what has happened this week,  we will step back into a place of happiness,  may these few words help us along that path.

Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace

God Bless


  1. Dear Viv, Thank you your heart felt blog really helped and encouraged me today, Ive been pretty much bed bound for a month after a relapse of ME and Fibromyalgia. I didn't realise Paul had been so ill either, how is he now? God bless you, you and your music are making a difference here in London and I im sure many other places too, lots love Jane xxx

  2. Hi Jane

    I'm so glad the blog encouraged you. So sorry you've had a relapse I know a little about both of your conditions through friends who suffer with the same as you. One day at a time Jane, I pray that the Lord will strengthen you and heal the pain you are in. Paul is fine now and doing everything he was doing before his accident. Thank you for the encouragement for my music. Lots of Love x x
