Tuesday 7 May 2013

90 Day Challenge: If At First You Don't Succeed Try Try Try Again

Getting fitter and losing weight, I am an expert at failing in this part of my life.  I have tried a few times in the past and failed.  I'm going to try again.  During This 90 day Challenge I will blog on how I am doing also upload vids & chat about music and add some inspirational book quotes.

You may want to join me on this challenge, in the words of my niece "Just Do It"  Why have I decided to try again?  Yesterday our friend David came to visit us and talked about his adventure as he rode his bike from the UK to Spain.  Such a facinating story, he inspired me again to try again.  So here goes. Tune in tomorrow for an update on today :)

Shine:  Salvador
I woke up to another day
Another day to celebrate
Your beauty and Your mystery, it’s more than any eye can see
I’m not the man I was before
With You, my life is so much more
Break the chains and open doors to a world I can't ignore 

Lord let me shine, shine like the moon
A reflection of You in all that I do
Lord let me be a light for Your truth
Light of the world, I wanna be used to shine for You 

As simple as a passing smile
Or listening a little while
To someone that's convinced that they are in this all alone
Here's my chance to share the news
To introduce the good that's You
Here You go again, You never cease to blow my mind 

Lord let me shine, shine like the moon
A reflection of You in all that I do
Lord let me be a light for Your truth
Light of the world, I wanna be used to shine for You 

You're the love that we all need
You lift us up to our feet
You hold the key to eternity
The King of Kings alive in me.

Have a great day

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