Thursday 30 May 2013

Day 24 Fitness Blog: Fish & Chips? NO... Chinese Takeaway? NO... Or Maybe Yes Or Maybe Not!!!

Day 24

Oh...I had a battle on my hands the other night.  Working late and tired when I got home, I thought "Oh, I've had no junk food for over 3 weeks surely one takeaway tonight won't hurt...I'm tired, I don't have the energy tonight to cook a meal"  Fish & Chips?  Chinese Takeaway, Chicken Chow Mein? Easy option, easy choice.   Do you know what?...I couldn't do it.  I thought if I'm only losing 1lb a week,  having one fast food meal could undo all my good work this week.  

Good Old British Fish & Chips  (or not? )

Chicken Chow Mein would have been fine if I had of cooked it my self,  but as a takeaway we have got no control over the fat content.

I ended up making this, quick & easy and low fat etc etc.

Chicken Salad 

Chicken salad...You can see on this photo that this salad has strawberries and blueberries.  I usually always add strawberries and grapes to my salads.  If you haven't tried adding fruit to your salad,  try it, it's tasty.

Thought for today.

In the absence of my hubby this week who is on a kayaking holiday, I have been taking messages for some of his phone calls.  Yesterday a very irate person phoned complaining the grass needed cutting in one of the village graveyards. It was only done 2 weeks ago but...she was very sharp & cold on the phone despite my repeating to her I could do nothing about it,  and could she phone back next week.

We all come up against abruptness at times, I think it's awful.  I felt a little sad after the phone call but then thought "no, I'm not going to allow that ladies unkindness to spoil one more minute of my day.  None of us know what another person is going through.  

Ephesians 4 verse 32
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Bye for now

Monday 27 May 2013

Day 21 of a 90 day Challenge Fitness Blog: This Means War...What does? Read the blog & see...

Day 21

Weigh day. I looked at the mighty scales,  what were they going to show me today? Checked they were working properly, they had to be no mistakes with this reading today.  Come ON!!!!

Stood on the scales, looked at the weight reading, got off the scales then got back on again :)  Ohhhhh My Goodness it was the same weight as first displayed.  Week 1: I lost 6lb...Week 2:  I lost 1lb...Today Week 3: I've lost 1lb.  You know what this means now don't you?  THIS MEANS WAR...THE WAR AGAINST THE lbs... These big decisions are taking place in my bathroom on a weekly basis.

I know there is a verse in the bible about beating your body and bringing it into submission,  now where is that verse?  I need some inspiration, I need some verbal/written muscle behind this challenge.  Hazel last week said that when losing 1lb you had to think of it as a lb of butter, that's quite alot but I want to lose 2lb a week, all that effort for one pound!!!!  Oh well at least the weight is going down each week, however, at this rate I'll be blogging about this until 2015!!!  I need to UP my game.  But first of all I'm going to look that verse up, I need some scriptural encouragement.

1 Corinthians 9 v 27

This verse I'm sure can also be applied to physical fitness as well as a spiritual discipline.  I actually found this as part of a long article.  he are some of the helpful explainations from that article.

“But I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.”  Paul writes, “but I discipline my body and make it my slave.” The word translated “discipline” literally means “to strike under the eye” or “to beat black and blue.” Paul beat his body into submission doing all that he could to ensure his success.

"Ain't No Stopping Us Now"

Also from the article: 

On June 28th, 1991 I watched one of the greatest displays of strength and endurance I’ve ever seen. The location: Las Vegas. The setting: Caesar’s Palace. The event: Donovan “Razor” Ruddock vs. “Iron” Mike Tyson in a scheduled twelve round championship bout. This was a much-anticipated fight because it was the rematch that followed their highly controversial bout. In their previous brawl, the referee stopped the fight because Tyson was pummeling Ruddock.
Well, in the rematch Ruddock was out to prove that he deserved another chance. Ruddock and Tyson were pretty evenly matched in the first three rounds, but in the fourth round Ruddock suffered a broken jaw. Most people expected him to favor his jaw and fight soft, but not Ruddock. He came out fighting round after round after round against, at that time, the world’s greatest fighter and most devastating puncher. He fought eight more rounds after the broken jaw and actually finished the fight stronger than he began! The fight went the scheduled twelve rounds and Tyson won by the judges’ decision.
Although Tyson won this fight, I believe the real winner was “Razor” Ruddock. Why? Because he endured to the final bell and finished well. He overcame many obstacles and saved his best fighting for the final rounds. I want to encourage you to be a Razor Ruddock. This will require enduring to the end and finishing well.

So enduring to the end is the name of the game that will bring the result I'm aiming for. I can fully understand why people give up when they are trying so hard and not seeing good results,  but reading about Razor Ruddock he endured to the end, that's what counts.  I've got disheartened before and not endured to the end,  but I'm not going down that path this time. I really need to endure until I get to my goal and then maintain from there.   So this week I'm going to try harder, I'm going to double my exercise routine then hopefully that will bring a 2lb loss each week.  A one to two pound loss each week is good but I need to get my loss to 2lb a week.  So here goes.

I love the determination on this little boys face.

One day at a time

Some walls in life are steep to climb but we need to be determined to scale the walls.

Ain't no stopping us now, we're on the move.

If you are struggling with this challenge think about the determination you put into other areas of life.  Think about your work life for instance, think about the successes, now put that same determination and hard work into this area of your life...I'm also preaching to myself here.  Some of our work based accomplishments when we have been in the middle of big projects (including one I am right in the middle of at the moment)  the wall has seemed too high to climb, then we need to break it down into small steps then Suddenly we've done it and it all comes together.  The steps needed for this challenge are small daily steps that will eventally bring us to the place where we have accomplished the aim.

Have a great Bank Holiday Monday
Be Blessed

Sunday 26 May 2013

Day 20 of Get Fit Lose Weight Blog: Sunshine & Reign

Day 20


In the UK at the moment it finally feels like summer has arrived.  A few friends in the village have started running again and I'm starting to see more people out and about on their bikes again.  I love walking at different times of the day.  Last walk yesterday when I got back home,  I took the dog out at 9.30pm it was great that it was still warm that time of night, everything was so still,  calm & quiet.  It's great to take advantage of the lighter nights to add extra times of exercise outside.  In these extended daylight hours we seem to have more energy so it's a good time of year to get on a challenge like this, everything is in our favour.

Healthy food options are continuing to win over bad choices in my little part of the world. A few of my friends who are also working on losing weight are using the "Hairy Bikers" Cookbook.

Si & Dave explain how they managed to lose 3 stone each in 3 months.

If you didn't follow their TV series that accompanied the release of their book on their quest to lose all that weight, it's definitely worth checking out.  They were honest about how they felt at each stage of their challenge.  If they had of portrayed their challenge as though it had always been easy,  it wouldn't have been believeable,  but they shared how they both really felt throughout the challenge.

Before they began their weight loss programme they both had a full examination by a medical consultant and his analysis shocked them both.  Their TV series was a great watch.  So if you need extra inspiration to follow this challenge through,  check them out.

It's weigh day tomorrow for me, I haven't been on the scales this week,  so I have no idea how I am doing. I relax my strict eating regime on a Sunday if I want to.  I think it is good one day a week to indulge in a pudding or something sweet if needed.  But the rest of the week it's a no.  In these 3 weeks of this challenge I gave in once and had a chocolate biscuit but that was it.  So hopefully I will have lost a few more lbs this week.


Folks in the Northeast of England did you know that there is a gospel church in Middlesbrough?  I didn't know until recently, I went to a service there last night,  we worshipped through singing for a full hour, it felt like 5 mins.  It was awesome.  The church is on The Avenue, Linthorpe, M/boro.  The church are soon to be moving to new premises near BBC Radio Tees Broadcasting building near the bus station.  The music was amazing...Gospel Rhythms to authentic African Rhythms,  the house was on fire with the Joy of Heaven.

Heaven Is In My Heart (A tame version to last night's singing & rhythms, but a reflection of what was going on there)

On this the Lord's day (everyday is the Lord's day)
Have a blessed day & those on this challenge keep focussed & motivated.

Friday 24 May 2013

Day 17 of a 90 day challenge: The Pain & Happiness Of Life. Strike A Balance If You Can.

Day 17

Yesterday I wrote about Tuesday and couldn't think of anything to write about for yesterday or today.  I'm Blank,  because of 3 very sad recent events.  A personal loss,  Oklahoma & the horrific death of a brave soldier in the UK.  For some occurances we all share the impact of devastation & loss, it hits us all globally.

So for me at the moment blogging about a fitness/weight loss challenge is so insignificant.  Do I carry on blogging about this while as a nation we experience a very poignent verse in the bible "When one suffers, we all suffer" we have all definitely felt that these past few days.

So along with probably most people who are reading this I feel solemn and can't push past that to write in my normal upbeat way at the moment.  My spirit is in sympathy with those who are suffering right now.

And while I am blogging this way, I watched Eastenders tonight, that was either the first or second time this year,  I couldn't believe how desperate every storyline was, where is the balance between difficulties and happiness?  I couldn't see any happiness.   I won't be watching it again unless it has a happy TV personality transplant.   I will not allow nasty bad words through TV, movies etc to infiltrate my mind.  For me personally I chose to to fill my thoughts predominantly with good things.  When we fill our bodies with good healthy food and drink we feel the benefits.  What we listen to or watch will also determine whether we have a positive or negative attitude.  I personally don't like to be around folks who are negative all the time for no apparent reason other than just a bad habit, (I'm not meaning people who are poorly or in pain)  their words and mindset effects all those around them.  I like to be around positive, happy people.  Life is never perfect, but it certainly needs to have a balance.

A lovely guy from our village who is a respected & loved member of our church,  encourages people so much and you know he means every word that he says.  On Sunday when he came into church I knew very quickly that he wasn't himself.  I was rehearsing at the time but I had to stop and go over to him and ask him if he was okay.  He wasn't and told me why, sometimes we can't smile and hide the pain.   

This has probably been a bit of a cathartic exercise today, however, God's going to have the last word here because I need to leave you with the following.  We can't change these awful things that go on in our world,  but to do the best that we can each day we need to be strong and happy.

If the men who murdered our soldier had of cultivated good things in their hearts and minds, this soldier would still be alive.

As we in time get over the shock of what has happened this week,  we will step back into a place of happiness,  may these few words help us along that path.

Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace

God Bless

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day !5 & 16 of a 90 Day Fitness Challenge. Cupcakes, Veg, Candles, Bubbles & no overweight curates in this church please!!!

Day 15 & 16

I can't believe how many tempting treats I have been offered since I started this challenge.  It's quite amazing.

When my hubby was a trainee curate (that is a trainee minister/pastor) the first fund raising event in the church he was training at was a coffee morning run by Joan & Olive in Olive's beautiful home.  Joan & Olive were renound for their many successful  fund raising events.  These women did amazing work for so many worthy charities and they had the charisma to fill these events with many people willing to give, buy and support their fund raising endeavours.

So getting back to the coffee morning, we went along and there was so many beautiful things for sale and also a cake stall and free cakes with your tea/coffee,  these women could bake.  However, just before my hubby was about to delve in and choose one of these cakes, Olive said to him "Don't be thinking about eating too many of those cakes, because everywhere you go and visit,  people will put lovely cakes in front of you & tea/coffee in their best china cups" she was so right, she then went on to say "so watch yourself because we don't want a fat curate" LOL.  I'll never forget Olive and all her funny little ways and remarks, she was a pure diamond.

Do you know what these are called?

Say this slowing..."Red velvet cupcakes with roses".... ohhh, they look very nice :) LOL

So the tempting cake saga continues for this thankfully focussed dieter.  One of my appointments yesterday was playing the song/hymns at an old folks home, after the first hymn which was "Be Still"  (For The Presence Of The Lord The Holy One Is Here)  one of the elderly residents clapped and clapped with such joy on her face, it was so lovely to see her so happy. As part of the service Ruth lit candles on a cake and asked the residents to blow the candles out, but they wouldn't be blown out because they were special candles,  this constant flame represented the Holy Spirit whose light and power we can't blow out.  The residents were then given those little tubes with soapy water in and and were encouraged to blow bubbles.

They got so much enjoyment out of doing this simple act.  One elderly man Neil,  sitting in his chair was kicking the bubbles as well and was thoroughly enjoying himself.  I had a go at blowing bubbles,  it was nice. After the candles, bubbles & hymns what came out on the trolley?  Lovely mugs of tea and very nice biscuits.  I didn't have one boo hoo :) Can you sense the deprivation ha ha

During the afternoon I was at a monthly networking event in Teesside, it's a really encouraging event with great speakers.  One of the speakers yesterday was John Kirby the founder of the organisation "Christians Against Poverty" After he had spoken he told us if we wanted a copy of his book "Nevertheless" it would be free of charge, I'm sure this book will be a very inspiring read. It's pretty much written in diary form so you can see clearly how his journey progressed day by day.  "The incredible story of one man's mission to change thousands of people's lives"

After these insprational sessions there is always an early evening buffet,  with stacks of yummy cupcakes!!!!   I had a tuna bun & cucumber, carrot and red pepper crudites without any dressing or sauces :)  I'm laughing as I am writing this because I just can't believe the amount of food choices we encounter on a daily basis.  Cupcake or Veg? Cupcake or Veg?  Give me the Veg I WANT THE  VEG...NOT!!!

A friend got in touch with me today and he has lost 12lb in 3 weeks how good is that?  He is definitely on target to lose 1 stone in 4 weeks.  Great news, keep at it & everyone who is reading this and trying to do the same, keep at it, one day at a time.

Bye for now.

Time for tea (I'm from the north we say tea which also means dinner, but dinner to us up north is the souths lunch, does this make sense?  yes perfect sense :) )

Whatever you are having today enjoy it and don't eat the cupcakes OK :)

Monday 20 May 2013

Day 14 of a 90 day challenge. Weigh In Day - 6 lb last week & this week?

Day 14

Weigh in day today.  I lost 6lb last week which was a great start regardless of the circumstances that brought about that result.  This week I was expecting a couple of lbs loss.  So this morning I stood on the scales very gently because that makes you weigh less :)  Have you ever done that?  You get onto the scales and just walk onto them in a normal fashion, then you look down and read your weight.  Then you get off the scales and decide to go back on just to make sure it is the same displayed weight, but you gingerly tip toe onto the scales this time hoping for a few lbs less reading.  But that never works does it?  It always reads the same as the first time.  So my first and second reading today were exactly the same.  This week I lost the grand total of 1lb Oh my goodness I did expect 2lb but never mind.  In 2 weeks I've lost 1/2 a stone I think that is an excellent result, I'm happy with the way this challenge is progressing.  I'm going to try harder this week and hopefully lose 2lb.

More exercise is needed this week.  I thought this quote was funny.

In the middle of my day a friend & I had arranged to meet up for lunch, we decided to meet up at the local church Stockton Parish Church on the High Street and then go on from there.

The church is open every lunch time for anyone to go in and sit in the peaceful atmosphere and pray or just sit and enjoy the stillness while listening to beautiful gentle music. Sometimes there is live worship music sometimes not.  Today it was a CD.  So great that this church is open it is being such an important resource to the local community,  especially the working community in the area as folks on their lunch hour can just pop in for 10mins total stillness.

Here are a couple of the songs I heard while I was in there today.

To Be In Your Presence.

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

Be Blessed

Sunday 19 May 2013

Day 13 of a 90 day get fit lose weight challenge. Building in a fitness/exercise routine...Tagline "Just Do It"

Day 12 & 13

12 Week Beginners Walking Schedule

Here is an easy to follow beginners walking schedule.  Your warm up and cool down times are included in the scheduled minutes.  Be sure to stretch after your walks.  You know your own capabilities, listen to your body and go with what you're happy with.  If you are just starting out on this you may not be able to push yourself very hard during the middle part of your routine but in time you will be able to, you will be amazed at how quickly your strength, ability & stamina increases once exercise becomes a normal part of your day.  The experts say to exercise 5 times a week so as my niece said "Just Do It"

If you're not very fit at the moment you may want to follow this plan.  My exercise routine goes like this...I start it, I'm doing really well then I stop???   Then I start again for a while then I stop??? When I get back into a routine I always start this schedule at week 6 and often do 2 sessions of 30 mins a day once I get in the swing of it. Walking or tredmill is a great way to start if you haven't exercised for a while,  once your fitness levels are up add other keep fit options.  Swimming is also a great beginners exercise option.  Whatever you enjoy "Just Do It" 


Chatting to a friend today about music and where the best place is to listen to it, we reckon in the car when you're on your own because you get surround sound with no interruptions.  I have a fav place I like to drive to sometimes and just watch the sea and listen to the music, for me that is a little part of heaven.  To my amazement she said she loves to just sit in the car occasionally listening to the music.  I thought I was the only one who did that :) maybe we all do?  It's good isn't it?

Here is a nice one to leave you with today.  Ernie Hasse & Signature Sound.  I have met & heard Doug Anderson before and really enjoy his work,   but I haven't listened to Signature Sound until today.  I like it, hope you do to.

Bye For Now
Viv :)