Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 43 of a 90 day lose weight get fit challenge...Slimming World Week 1 Weigh In...Did It Work?

Day 43

Nearly half way through this challenge, time flies.

Well just to update you on the developments so far.  I started this challenge 6 weeks ago, I had a great weight loss on week one then 1lb per week for the following few weeks.  Last week I decided if I was only going to be losing 1lb per week I would be here until next Christmas, so last week I joined Slimming World, in for a penny, in for a pound as they say.  Or in this case, hand over your pennies and they promise you that you will lose pounds :)

The leader is very friendly, encouraging and passionate about helping others get to their goal weight.  So last week I was sent off with my little pack to read & follow.  I've been experimenting with salad and I have found a nice tasty alternative to a lunchtime cheese sandwich.

Warm all you salad ingredients through using fry light in the pan, make up some cous cous and flavour it with lemon & coriander or buy the flavoured packets.  Add some cooked cous cous to your salad.  Lightly boil 1 or 2 eggs.  Then add the final ingredient to your salad,  a dash of hoisin sauce. Stir through,  then put your warm salad onto your plate and cut your eggs in half and place on the top.  This is delicious and only takes 5-10mins to prepare and cook.  A quick lunch and alot more tasty than a sandwich :)

It looks a bit of a mucky mixture but it is lovely.

Warm Salad, With Cous Cous, Eggs & Hoisin Sauce

Replace the eggs with salmon, tuna or whatever, experiment.

So back to the weigh in, but before I get there...After the church service on Sunday, because it was a special service for the 4 congregations who had gathered together, they had a buffet lunch.  Oh dear, we all know what buffet lunches are made up of, quiches, home-made pies, vol-au-vents.  Lots of home-made cakes.

I walked along the buffet table and thought if I tuck in here I will undo my probably 1lb weight loss, that had been the pattern for the past four weeks.  I came away from the buffet table with a small bunch of grapes and  some strawberries.  After that lunch :(  I later had a home-made healthy chili con carne.

OK, back to the weigh in, first week at Slimming World I lost the grand total of 3 and a half pounds, that's 13 1/2lbs so far :)   Kevin the leader of this group said to think of my weight loss this week as seven half blocks of lard...YUK YUK YUK!!!!

7 of these in one week.  My question is where has it gone?  So Slimming World has worked for me on week one,  but what will be the result at the end of week 2?  Tune in next week for the next episode of... Drum roll please...

 Slimming World Hit Or Miss?

God bless

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