Monday 8 July 2013

Day 63 of a 90 Day Get Fit Lose Weight Challenge. One of the main functions of the Liver & Water

Day 63

Loss to date 15lb,  last few weeks have been difficult, put half a pound on lost a pound etc but continuing.  I'm going to America on tour again in just over 6 weeks time, so that's a good incentive to keep going and hopefully drop close to another stone. What important occasion have you got coming up?  make that date a goal to try and drop a certain amount of weight if you need to.

Some things in life are really difficult to achieve, nothing is plain sailing we've just got to keep moving forward, one day at a time.

The following information about the Liver was part of a friends status on Facebook the other day.  I never knew this, hope it is helpful for you too.

"One of the main functions of the liver is to metabolize fat. If you are not properly hydrated the liver has to kick in to help the kidneys process waste and therefore is not able to process fats the way that it should"

I've heard my sister say on a few occasions when she has been losing weight that she was drinking more water, but I have never understood the biology behind why drinking water and keeping fully hydrated was beneficial in this way.  We have all read that the norm is to drink 8 glasses of water a day.  I've always thought that was too much, but now I understand why it is so important especially for those needing to lose weight.

So that's the answer!!!

The Water Diet!  Never mind the Cabbage Diet or the Fat Free Diet, it is the Water Diet that will change the world as we know it.  No more wibbly, wobbily people...Get on the water diet,  not the bread and water diet just the water diet.  So that's why the lose weight companies and the media want us to eat salad all the time,  because salad just turns to water.  They want us to think that salad is really food?  No it isn't it's just water ha ha.

This is all we are, just water :)  No wonder we can swim, we are the same as what is in the swimming pool...WATER...:)

Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily total.

Get Drinking...

I will leave you with "The Sugar Plum Fairy" By Tchaikovsky.  I think this sounds really beautiful.

Bye For Now


  1. Totally amazing well done on your weight loss xx

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words Angela x
