Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Musings Of A Muzo


Is musings a word? Is muzo a "Proper" word?  I don't know,  but for the purpose of this blog those words fit exactly.

Last Night I was on Spotify and listened to loads of music,  all different styles and genres, old music, new music & classics.  I also came across 2 fab new singer songwriters who I had never heard of before, I loved their music.

Rod Stewart wrote the lines "You're in my heart, you're in my soul, you'll be my breath should I grow old...You're in my soul"  he wrote these words about a woman probably, I dedicate these words to MUSIC.

Even though I am tee-total and always will be I believe that MUSIC refreshers the parts other beers cannot reach ha ha

We all have gifts and talents and those areas of our life drive us forward.  I studied many great composers while working on my music degree, and when you delve into their life stories they were  PASSIONATE about their music.  They lived and breathed it, they put copious amounts of time into their compositions everyday,  that is why we refer to them as GREAT COMPOSERS.  All of them had struggles in life and many had struggles with their music as they composed,  but the great thing about them was they never gave up until their last breath.

So what do we do when obstacles are put in our way to try and stop us from continuing with our passion.  Do we push through or do we give up and stop.  What do we do when people want us to give up our passion do we push through or do we stop?  It should make no difference whether we work in retail, education, health services or the arts.  Why do people work in education?  because they feel they have a calling to that work, they are talented in teaching, they love their work, they are dedicated and they work hard at their profession.  Why do people work in health services?  again because they feel called to this work, they love helping people, they love making a difference in peoples lives, they are good at what they do, they are dedicated.

Whatever we feel called to do,  most of us feel fulfilled in that work, if we aren't happy in our work maybe we should look at another career.

I have come across people who have given up what they loved most for personal reasons.  What must that do to the soul of a person?  A light-hearted look at this dilemma came through an advert on TV a few years ago were the little girl is trying to decide what she loves the most, Daddy or Chips.

All of us are precious in life.   It is best to try not to control another person because you may find yourself in great danger of losing them.  We can give advice to someone else, but at the end of the day our decisions rest on our own shoulder's.

God asks us to do only two things in this life:
1)  Love God
2)  Love Others

What does loving others mean?  It means we are to show great compassion to others, Jesus had compassion on the crowds that followed him.  It's being Gracious with others even when you are tired.  It's showing mercy to others.  It's bringing out the best in others.  It's supporting others & allowing others to be themselves.  It's encouraging others and being happy for them.

What's you're passion in life?  whatever it is, work hard at it, get through the obstacles, enjoy it & reap the rewards of your hard labour.  Follow your heart & soul.

For you reading this,  whatever you are great at, keep doing it, preach the gospel, write that book, paint that picture, draw your cartoon,  bake your cake, bring care and healing to those who are poorly, teach that child.

Muzo's...Keep writing those songs, keep releasing those albums, bring hope into people's lives through the lyrics, continue working hard on your art as it soothes the soul of many.

A Musician's Work Consists Of:  Having the initial idea and following it through, Composing, Re-Writing, Practicing, Recording, Releasing, Ministering, Performing.  The whole package and art of music is in our souls,  and even if we wanted to get rid of it and leave it behind we couldn't, it's part of our DNA it's like the words through a Blackpool stick of rock, they are there and you can't get them out.

Over my lifetime I have heard so many people say I loved that music in church today, it really lifted me up, it has made me feel better and given me strength for the rest of the week.

When we go to a concert and sing our heads off we are all happy and come out of the concert smiling and chatting about how brilliant it was and we can't wait for the next time.

When we are invited into school to watch children and young people sing & perform,  it's a happy occasion.

At the very end of life I have known of and been told of people who were singing just before their eyes closed for the last time.  Just before my nanna passed,  she sang a hymn at the top of her lungs.

"What a friend we have in Jesus"  ends with the lines "When in glory bright unclouded/there will be no need for prayer/rapture, praise and endless worship/will be our sweet portion there"

Singing, composing etc will be a great part of heaven, we are just learning and partaking of that art now.  How can we stop from singing.  If you take away the song, if you take away the passion,  you take away part of the soul of man.

God Bless

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